
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Adeline Mulia. People usually call me Adeline or Adel. For your information, the right way to  pronounce my name "Add-a-lyn" instead of "Add-a-line". It's a French name, means Noble. My mom was inspired by a classic song by Richard Clayderman, Ballade pour Adeline. 

this is me!

I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. Not in Jakarta precisely, but in Cibubur. And its way too hard to explain to you guys what and where is Cibubur, so let's just say I live in Jakarta.

I like everything that involves words in it. That basically explain why I enjoy relatable poems and good songs with deep lyrics. Because I found that words are a powerful things, so you must be careful with it, as it can bring people up, and also bring them down.

I don't settle for only a certain type of music, but I enjoy almost all of them depends on my mood at that moment. I listen mostly to unpopular artists, and obsessing over their songs way before their songs was all over the internet and radio. Sometimes it just weird for me to find a song that I had already got bored on the radio. Follow my Spotify playlist!

Good writings include books, articles, poems, short stories, etc. My favorite books genres are young adults, fantasy, contemporary, angst, dystopian, and sometimes utopian. Check out my Goodreads account if you want to know what I'm currently reading! 

I also enjoy watching a lot of Youtube videos by vloggers all around the world! My best are Connor Franta, mylifeaseva, Hannah Hart, Ingrid Nilsen, etc!

I'll let you know more about my interests on my future blog posts, so stay tune!I think that is a pretty good paragraphs of an introduction, right? Let me know if I miss anything, just comment down below! I'd like to know you too!
